Allied Academies

About Conference

The 9th International Conference on Recyling, Pollution Control and Waste Management in Webinar during December 01-02, 2021. "Reduce for the good; Recycle for the better; Reuse for the best" is the conference's catchy theme. 

The Conference covers all essential aspects of waste management and recycling, with a particular emphasis on current research projects in these areas. Additionally, it offers a worldwide network of distinguished academics, professionals, speakers, and researchers. 

The conference will take place as webinar from December 01-02, 2021

For the benefit of the Grand Congress on Recycling and Waste Management, we cordially invite all ecologists, environmental engineers, plastic recycling associations, wastewater treatment industries, researchers, and students from around the world to attend.

We are eager to have you aboard.

Best Regards,

Aurora Grace,

Program Manager | Recycling 2021

E: [email protected]

W: +44 7418 605292

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