Marine oil pollution is caused by leakage, spills of refined petroleum products such as diesel, gasoline into the sea, accidentally. It also includes the release of bunker fuels used by large ships, a spill of waste oil as well. These pollutants in the ocean affect all the marine life forms as well as humans. The toxin in water is taken by the small organisms, which is eaten by large fishes, and when these fishes are consumed by humans, it causes long-term health issues and birth defects. They also affect marine plants, corals, sea animals, and sea birds. Some of the ways to handle oil spills are the use of chemical dispersants, oil-absorbing pads, biological agents.
Related associations:
Building Materials Reuse Association | New York State Association for Solid Waste Management | Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries| American Forest and Paper Association |Carolina Recycling Association | International Solid Waste Association | National Waste & Recycling Association | National Recycling Coalition| Construction & Demolition Recycling Association | Arizona Recycling Coalition | Carolinas Plastics Recycling Council | New York State Association for Reduction, Reuse & Recycling, Inc. | Ontario Waste Management Association | Waste Management & Recycling Association of Singapore| National Glass Association